Thursday, April 8, 2010

20-week video of Ellie

Here's the video from my 20-week check up. Sorry I didn't post this last night, Carole, but Morgan and I fell asleep really early.

In the first couple of seconds of the first video you'll notice a mouse circling a dark spot on Ellie's body. That spot is her stomach and it's full of the amniotic fluid she's been drinking. I've mentioned this before, but babies drink amniotic fluid in the womb and then pee it out. It sounds totally gross, I know, but I was happy to see her little tummy full of fluid (and a little later in the video, her bladder) because that means all her digestive systems are working properly.

The mouse also circles what looks like bubbles above Ellie's tiny, cute little nose. That's a part of the umbilical cord.

The next few videos are just Ellie being Ellie. You can see her heart beating and we get some fuzzy shots of her arms and feet. The ultrasonographer than reconfirms that it's a girl!

We can see her open and close her mouth and push her head back. At one point she jerks a little (it looks like a hiccup) and I could actually feel it when she did it so that was cool.

Towards the end of the video she puts her hand to her mouth in an attempt to suck her thumb. I think it's amazing that all babies feel they need to do that. What a comfort.

She's 11 ounces, by the way, and from head to rump she's about as big as a can of coke. Still tiny, but she's getting there.

Oh, I hit the 130 pound mark! It was a bit of a bummer because I've never in my life been 130 pounds, but remember I said when I got there I'd buy myself an ice cream cake? Well, that's my plan this weekend. Morgan has to sleep at work Saturday so I'll probably buy it then and visit him that evening for a delicious treat.

So, in conclusion, baby is happy and I'm doing fine as well. Morgan is tired (from a crazy work schedule) but so looking forward to being a dad.

Enjoy the videos!



  1. That sweet, darling little baby - I loved it when she tried to suck her thumb. What a thrill to see Ellie developing. The first 20 weeks went so fast, it does seem like there is a lot to do as you get closer to delivery. Regarding delivery, I do have a comment. Rather than deciding in advance - natural vs epidural vs whatever other options - go into delivery well-educated and prepared for whatever seems approriate at the time. It seems like when going into labor with a definite plan, it is harder to be flexible should something different be desired or recommended. And, when I read Leah's comments on things you will need, I agree with her list and especially the need for night lights and a safe place to put Ellie when you have to step away for a moment. (good list, Leah). So, keep growing Baby Ellie and thanks for all the updates. xox

  2. Hi Carole. I'm so glad you said that about the delivery. It's really been kind of stressing me out because everyone wants to know if I'll go natural or get the epidural. I don't mind the inquisitiveness or the various opinions on the matter, but I am really just not sure what I'm going to do. I want to be prepared for both, but I don't know how to prepare for natural child birth. Any suggestions? :)

    The videos are amazing, aren't they. She's growing up so fast (sniffle , sniffle). I love the part when she tries to suck her thumb. Can't wait to see her do it approximately 20 weeks from now!


    P.S. We need to discuss plans for the baby shower in Oregon. Give me a call this weekend if you have a few moments to chat.

  3. It sounds like your daily life is preparing you for the option of natural childbirth. You eat foods that are good for you & Baby Ellie, exercise and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Stretching exercises are definitely helpful. I think of natural childbirth as learning various methods of distracting yourself from moments of discomfort (people like to say discomfort but lets face it pain is another descriptive word that applies to labor). Since it is different for everybody, I believe that preparation for natural childbirth then adding whatever is needed if the need arises makes sense. Well, I am not an expert but those are my thoughts. Now I am going to call you so we can talk about your shower in Oregon. xox to you, baby Ellie and soon-to-be-papa M1!
