Thursday, February 4, 2010

Pains in my bloat belly

Last night, right around bed time, I started to get this pain in my lower abdomen.

It wasn't an intense stabbing pain or anything, just waves of discomfort I guess you could say.

Today, it's persisted, but only intermittently and again, it's not debilitating.

After checking online, I am confident this dull ache is due to round ligaments stretching and thickening around my pelvis and uterus.

Though I'm not yet in my second trimester, I look like I am. My belly is super bloated, which I know is a common complaint of many women who don't think they're supposed to be showing yet.

Because I know that overeating and under exercising leads to weight gain which leads to a potentially unhealthy pregnancy, I've been committed to taking extra good care of myself since I found out I was pregnant. Even before I got knocked up I was always very health conscious.

I also know that just because I'm eating for two I can't cram whatever I want into my maw.

I exercise almost every day and really focus on putting good, nourishing food into my body. But I have to admit, being at the point where I can barely button my pants at week 11 is kind of frustrating.

Does/did anyone else have this issue?

Here are some exercise tips I found on the American Pregnancy Association's web site.

Let me add that I'm not really too concerned about my bloat belly (as Morgan and I affectionately call it). The only time I actually think about it is when my tummy hearts or when I think about the fact that I am Aruba-bound this month and the horror of me in a bikini sporting mid-winter white skin and a pudge keeps me up at night.

I know my body is going to change quickly now. I guess I just thought when I started to show it would be a cute, hard, round baby bump. Not a fatty blob of bloat. Too much information?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lily,

    My name is Rebecca, I am a family friend of Morgan, and I am in my 18th week and I have experienced a lot of the same things that you have especially the belly thing. I have felt the same with the jeans and what not, every one else says "oh I cant believe your 4 months preg. you dont look like it..." yeah well I wish I did so I didnt feel so fat. Anyways, I love your blog, I live in Mexico and I dont even understand my doctor let alone have the cool videos that you have. Good luck with everything and I cant wait to see more updates.
