Friday, February 19, 2010

Happy Friday (my pants are unbuttoned)

So, I'm walking up the stairs in my office building and feeling really uncomfortable because my favorite pair of worn-in jeans are pinching my protruding tummy.

The only solution to this problem I could come up with besides going home and changing was to unbutton my top button. Now I'm sitting at my desk with my pants unbuttoned and feeling a little smug because I have a secret.

Don't worry, when I get up to go to the bathroom I'll will pull my pants back together but for now I'm very much enjoying the freedom. *sigh.

In other news, Mo and I are leaving for Aruba on Tuesday and I can hardly hold myself together I'm so excited. I'm even wishing the weekend away so it'll get here sooner! Don't expect too many photos of me in a bikini though. I will be wearing a cover up pretty much the entire time (thanks Lauren). You may get another belly pic though so be sure to check back.

As for the video I promised from our recent trip to North Carolina: I have no idea why Mo and I can't figure out how to upload it here. We're doing everything right we think, but the playback is really slow and therefore annoying to watch. I suggest you go to Morgan's Facebook page and watch one of the videos there. It's of baby Rocco Besozzi falling asleep with a binky in his mouth. Soooo cute.

Happy Friday everyone!



  1. I'm not sure what I'm more excited for, the Aruba trip or coming back to find out the sex of the baby (pretty sure it's a girl, can't explain why, just Daddy intuitiuon)

  2. If it IS girl imagine the romance that could blossom between her and Rocco =-) Maybe he'd even share his favorite pacifier with her...oo la la

  3. I'm not letting my daughter anywhere near Rocco and his gigantic balls

  4. Haha, Rocco will be floppin those things all over the place once he hits the teens...Lillie-please place this in Rocco's baby book so he can be mortified later, thank you =-)

  5. Love it... Lily I unbutton my pants all the time, even my sweats are tight and cut into my belly now, which makes it look even worse. but my mom is coming down to mexico for the first time next week and i feel a little maternity shopping coming on... which will be nice... have fun in Aruba i am so jealous.
